Welcome to our first Homeschool Research group! Come meet the group, enjoy refreshments, and learn about next month's topic. Bring something to present to the group about your favourite hobby.
Welcome to our first Homeschool Research group! Come meet the group, enjoy refreshments, and learn about next month's topic. Bring something to present to the group about your favourite hobby. Presentations can take any form: you can bring in something you've made, show us your favourite computer game, build a LEGO sculpture, read from a book, share a home-baked treat, perform a dance number - the sky is the limit! This month is all about sharing something you love and connecting with the rest of the group.
March's topic is Zoology. We will each choose an aspect of that topic, research that topic over the month, and prepare a project to present at the March meeting.
The Bracebridge Library is located within the Muskoka Lumber Community Centre at 34 Salmon Ave. The Library is a state-of-the-art facility with a makerspace, multipurpose room, & more!